Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Hottest Women at UW Oshkosh

The sizzling hot (literally) women (and men) are in Teresa Lind's Advanced Sculpture class at UW Oshkosh, where they learn to pour metal and make beautiful 3-D pieces. For journalists, immersed in the 2-D mediums, metal pouring was an awesome sight to behold.

Student journalists Kristen Manders and Mai Yeng Xiong and I managed to stay away from the 2,000+ degrees Fahrenheit crucible. Can't imagine what the sculpture students who were handling the crucible were feeling. We used two Kodak Zi8 to film the pouring. By the end, the plastic casing on the little cameras were smoking hot. Shawn McAfee of UW Oshkosh Learning Technologies came along to take still photos.

Sculpture instructor Teresa Lind oversaw the metal pour, which ran like a Broadway production. Everyone had a role and everyone must by in sync. Unlike a play, however, a misstep in a metal pour could mean a trip to the ER.

The following video is a preview of the upcoming story on Teresa Lind, her students and the wondrous beauty of hot metal pour.